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Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration

We will use your feedback to improve our services even more and be better when you get to work with us the next time.

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Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpet Cleaning Services

We provide you with regular carpet cleaning as well but we want you to know that we got your back covered whatever seems to be the situation and the nature of your carpet cleaning need.

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Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

we are professional company that is always updated with latest solutions and advancements in the carpet cleaning field and the industry.

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Case Story - The Sofas have gone to the Dogs

Excellent carpet cleaning specialists for immediate services in California! Mold inspection, pet stain & odor removal experts using eco-friendly products

I couldn’t wait to move into our new apartment, we had saved up so much money and it would be our first home together, it was so exciting! We decided to cut costs and get some secondhand furniture to kit out our new place and found a pair of absolutely beautiful sofas that would look perfect for our living room and go with the existing decor. The only problem was that when we got them delivered, they had a very strong pet odor and were covered in cat and dog hairs. Yuck! Not exactly our dream sofas for our dream home! I did my best to get rid of any fur myself and I tried scrubbing away the smell with a number of different over-the-counter cleaning products but nothing seemed to work. No matter what I used, I could still smell dog and cat every time I walked into the room which wasn’t ideal in our new pet-free zone!

I decided to seek professional advice and called Carpet Cleaning Walnut Creek who had been recommended to me by a friend that had used them for a similar issue. The customer advisor on the phone was extremely helpful and arranged for their team to come out and clean the sofa assuring me that it was one of the most common scenarios that they deal with. I was a bit worried that it would cost too much as the whole point of getting a secondhand sofa was to save money in the long run but I was pleasantly surprised when it was only a fraction of what I had thought it would be.

I went shopping for more home-ware while they carried out the job and when I returned, I couldn't believe the difference. It smelled so fresh as if our sofas were straight out of a showroom and there was no way anyone would be able to tell that it was originally from a home with lots of pets. In fact, there was no way anybody would be able to tell that it was secondhand! Not only had they managed to get rid of the strong odor but they had also got rid of any stains that were previously on the couches too. The color was brought out beautifully and looked so much brighter than before; I couldn’t believe how different it looked and all for a very reasonable price!

I was so impressed that I even asked them to take a look at an old rug that had been left behind by the previous owner which unfortunately was covered in scruffy, unsightly stains.  They assessed what would need to be done and once again, arranged to come out and give the rug a good overhaul and thorough clean. Afterwards, it was just like new and when we had our housewarming party, our guests couldn’t believe that some of our upholstery was secondhand because it all looked so pristine! Next time I go shopping for previously owned furniture, I know who to turn to if it isn’t up to scratch. 

Carpet Cleaning Walnut Creek Map

Carpet Cleaning Walnut Creek Services